KIT_Important Instrumentation and Methods for the Detection of Chemicals in the Field, 2nd edition
The rapid detection of chemicals and unsafe workplace atmospheres has been pursued for well over one hundred years. Well-known and accepted detection instruments, developed and refined over the years, are often applied to acute hazards, for which time-weighted average sampling may not be protective. Detection systems are also available to supplement exposure assessments related to chronic health effects, for which time-weighted average sampling is highly relevant. Practicing industrial hygienists and safety professionals are familiar with these tools, but may not always fully appreciate the capabilities and limitations of the varied detection technologies available. Beyond the time-tested detection tools, new compact and capable field analysis systems exist, and improvements to reduce the size, complexity, and cost of such systems are continually occurring. The fusion of old and new capabilities is changing the state-of-the-art for exposure assessment, and a firm understanding of the available field detection and exposure measurement tools is critical to the ability of industrial hygienists and allied professionals to properly fill their roles in protecting human health.

Stock #: KIT_AINB19-777
ISBN #: 978-1-935082-98-9
Author/Editor: Edited by Philip A. Smith

Member: $127.50/ Non-Member: $157.50

Your Price: $157.50

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