Strategic Framework: Enterprise Risk Management
AIHA® and its selected members and volunteers worked collaboratively as a Body of Knowledge (BoK) Team to develop this Strategic Technical Framework which outlines a framework to assist Industrial Hygienists understand the concepts of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process relevant to the organization’s objectives (risk acceptance and opportunities). On November 2016, the Enterprise Risk Management BoK project team met at the AIHA headquarters to further explore the development of this whitepaper and an associated ERM Playbook. This subject matter expert project team included representatives from the AIHA® Exposure Assessment Strategies and Risk Assessment Committees, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and industrial hygiene and environmental professions. AIHA sought out an experienced research consultant to meet the project team’s recommendations from the November meeting.
Stock #: ERMSTF19
ISBN #: 
Author/Editor: ERM BoK Development Task Force

Member: $19.95/ Non-Member: $29.95

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