Real-Time Detection Systems: Measuring Exposures (AIHce EXP 2018 OnDemand)
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2018

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The use of real-time monitors for respirable dust has become common among IHs. The sensing technology is an optical measurement which can be affected by dust properties and environmental conditions. This study will present the side by side comparison of four real-time dust monitors tested under different conditions in a calm air chamber. There are three main outcomes: 1) the inter-unit variability for each monitor was found to be relatively low; 2) the performance of the calibrated monitors when challenged with a standard material is not consistent; and 3) dust properties and relative humidity can greatly affect the monitors' performance.

Air contaminant exposures often fluctuate during the sampling period. Laboratory analysis of time-weighted average (TWA) results provide no information about intra-sampling period concentration variation. A non-dispersive infrared sensor was used to track carbon dioxide concentrations in real time to examine the potential to exceed the Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) concentration. Exposures in excess of the IDLH value were measured with high certainty, where the TWA sample results did not indicate a problem. Strengths and weaknesses of real-time detection for truly comprehensive exposure assessment that considers intra-sampling period variability will be discussed.

Monitoring of Legionella bacteria has received attention due to publicized outbreaks and new guidelines and regulations. Time consuming culture methods are considered the gold standard for the detection of Legionella bacteria. Other alternative methods with short turnaround time such as antibody and DNA based methods are available and may be helpful for fast detection in outbreak situations. We discuss our experience with a qPCR system (iQ-Check – RioRad) and an antibody based detection system (Legipid – Primelab) for the rapid detection of Legionella bacteria in water samples. ​

Stock #: AOD18_Session2
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