8th International Control Banding Workshop: Session 4 - Evaluation of Quantitative Exposure Models (IOHA 2018 OnDemand)
Recorded at IOHA 2018

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Control Banding (CB) strategies to prevent work-related illness and injury for 2.5 billion workers without access to health and safety professionals has grown exponentially during the last 20 years. CB applications have broadened into chemicals in general - including new emerging risks like nanomaterials and also into ergonomics and injury prevention. Originally CB is an action-oriented qualitative risk assessment strategy offering solutions and control measures to users through "toolkits". But during the last decade CB has gone beyond its traditional qualitative approach meaning that some chemical CB tools like Stoffenmanager® and EMKG-Expo-Tool additionally offer quantitative assessments. Other chemical quantitative exposure assessments tools like ART, ECETOC TRA and MEASE became available too. Furthermore user needs became more demanding meaning that tools should not only focus on CB itself, but additionally should provide a complete chemicals management platform.

To be accepted by authorities and other stakeholders like the occupational hygiene community the underpinning of the underlying exposure models with sound data became increasingly important. At the previous 7th CB conference the results of the Eteam study on the validation of lower tier exposure tools used for REACH were presented. Since then several new studies, also on higher tier exposure tools have been published or are underway. But not only the exposure part of the tools was studied. Due to increasing pressure on substitution of CMR(S) chemicals, the validation of different hazard or occupational exposure banding schemes were questioned and the first studies appeared.

Last but not least it has been shown that just 'offering' a control banding tool, without providing active support, does not automatically result in its use by SMEs, and even less in a 'proper' use. For successful implementation of CB and beyond…. strategies, other aspects than technical reliability model issues need to be covered as well.

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