PDF_Ergonomics: From Concept to Practice - Making Ergonomics Work
'One-of-a-kind' does not begin to describe these proceedings. They were specifically designed to present critical information for the industrial hygiene community, and professionals in safety, health, ergonomics, and environmental positions. These proceedings provide guidance for the design and implementation of effective ergonomics programs. The seminar content from which the proceedings are drawn is based on successful existing programs currently found in manufacturing and service industries. All aspects of successful ergonomics programs are presented. The faculty for the seminar was personally selected from among the best practitioners in the field. They represent small and large organized labor and management, in addition to many different industry sectors.

Stock #: EERR01-446_pdf
ISBN #: 978-1-931504-21-8

Member: $15/ Non-Member: $15

Your Price: $15.00

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